Welcome Home Beloveds to the Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy

We invite you to join us and Awaken to the BEing you are Born to Be

To Rise up into and Live the Magickal Life You are Born to Love


‘Magickal’: The art of Being Yourself
‘Life’: The sequence of physical and mental experience that makes up the existence of an individual Being
‘Enlightenment’: The realisation of your true Self
‘Academy’: A place of study or training in a specific field
We invite you to join us in Co-Creating Heaven as a place right here on Earth Now!
Check out this aftermovie of one of our Magickal Tribe Gatherings – and meet some of our AWESOME CREW of Magickal Masters at LIVING LIFE IN JOY! ❤

Our Vision

To co-create a Global, borderless Community of Conscious Souls with memory of the truth of who we really are, and of our life purpose

To support & shine light for each other, live together in Joy and Bliss, and experience Heaven as a place right here on Earth Now

Our Mission

To assist with the facilitation with the shift with Consciousness as we transform into 5D awareness here on Earth Now

To offer Sustenance, Light and Support for All during this time

Awaken to the BEing You are Born to Be

Live the Life You Love

Blending Cosmic Consciousness, ancient Tantric and Ayurvedic Knowledge and Wisdom and Newly Emerging Technologies, we offer an intensive Masterclass:

‘Awaken to the BEing you are Born to Be
Live the Life You Love’
for all Leaders of the Conscious ReLOVEution

Expect to remember to stop expecting anything except the unexpected as we hold space and light the way for a Magickal journey into Yourself

Experience exciting transmissions and interactive workshops delivered by some of Earth’s most luminous conscious minds

Follow a carefully curated program containing Human life hacks for experiencing transformational consciousness, combined with much love and community to support you through this deeply transformational time

Receive light on pleasurable and practical ways of raising and maintaining your vibration and consciousness
And to enjoy ongoing support in realising and actualising your Human Life purpose


As Tantra prescribes, The Academy is ready to welcome you wherever you are on your journey, and in whichever capacity you are intended

Join us as a Student or Receiver of Knowledge and Wisdom
Those at the beginning of their journey of awakening are invited to join us as a Student, or Receiver of Knowledge and Wisdom

Join us as a Master Transmitter or Facilitator of Knowledge and Wisdom

If you are with memory of your life purpose and are a skilled Transmitter or Facilitator in one of our areas of interest, we invite you to join us to share your gifts with the Academy Community

Join us as a Support Fairy

We invite all Support Fairies offering services in disciplines including Marketing / Design / Plant-based catering / Master Transmitter and Facilitator Support, and other Domestic Support roles necessary for the smooth running of the Academy Community to join us

Join us as an Angel of Abundance or Angel Investor

All energetic donations, including those of the energy of finance intended to facilitate the running of the Academy Community are welcome

We are also open to hearing from any Angel Investors who are interested in investing in the continued Global expansion and growth of the Academy Community




Keep up to date with all our news, online and live events and more by connecting with us at our Magickal Life Facebook Page


Magickal Life Enlightenment Academy,  London, U.K

Call Us

Whatsapp (+44) 7939 944049